• 2022-06-07
    Time is sometimes call the fourth _________.
    A: liter
    B: gravity
    C: dimension
    D: sphere
  • C


    • 0

      The internal time lag of the countries with high administrative efficiency will be A: Shorter B: Longer C: Sometimes shorter and sometimes longer D: Uncertain

    • 1

      She will stay at home for ______. A: sometimes B: sometime C: some time

    • 2

      It is time to call it a day.=现在到此为止。

    • 3

      记录 " A" 尺 寸。 A: Record dimension “A”. B: Note dimension "A". C: Log dimension "A". D: Note dimension "A".

    • 4

      Do you travel with her ____. A: sometimes B: sometime C: some times D: some time