• 2022-06-07
    maybe occur in()
    A: schistosomiasis
    B: ascariasis
    C: lymphatic
    D: trichinosis
  • A


    • 0

      When<br/>you compare and contrast, you only tell how things are alike.<br/>____ A: True B: False C: Maybe D: None<br/>above.

    • 1

      Extraintestinal<br/>amebiasis can occur in ( ) A: liver B: lung C: brain D: skin

    • 2

      Although it is _____a teenage problem, acne can occur in early<br/>childhood. A: subsequently B: successively C: predictably D: predominantly

    • 3

      Incorrect assembly of the seal will result in leaks the valve. A: If you install the<br/>seal incorrectly, leaks can occur around the valve. B: Incorrect assembly of the seal will result in leaks past the valve. C: If you install the<br/>seal incorrectly, leaks can occur surrounding the valve.

    • 4

      There was only one peak in the epidemic curve of a disease, and all<br/>cases are concentrated in the common incubation period of the<br/>disease, then the disease transmission mode maybe ( ). A: both<br/>homologous and continuous B: common source epidemic C: mixed type D: human to human E: unable to judge