• 2022-06-07
    A: F/m.
    B: C/s.
    C: V/m.
    D: F/s.
  • B


    • 0

      What were the millionaires average scores in college A: A’s and B’s. B: B’s and C’s. C: C’s and D’s. D: Not mentioned.

    • 1

      一质点沿直线运动,其加速度为a = 2x,式中x的单位为m,a的单位为m/s2。设x=0时,v0=2m/s,则当x=4m时,速率v的大小为 m/s.

    • 2

      设A是m×n阶矩阵,B是n×s阶矩阵,则方程组Bx=0与ABx=0同解的充要条件是______ A: r(A)=n. B: r(A)=m. C: r(B)=n. D: r(B)=s.

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: F=30+4t(式中F的单位为N,t 的单位为s)的合外力作用在质量m=10 kg 的物体上,试求:若冲量I =108 N·s,此力作用的时间为(填数字)s.

    • 4

      M: Where have you put the video, Cindy I have to return it to John tomorrow.W: I’ m sorry, I’ ve lent it to my sister. I’ ll get it back for you now. Whose video is it()。 A: Cindy’ s. B: Cindy’ s sister’ s. C: John’ s. D: The man’ s.