• 2022-06-07
    Passage 1当前,尼泊尔政府和人民正向着“繁荣尼泊尔、幸福尼泊尔人”的美好愿景砥砺前行,中国政府和人民也在朝着“两个一百年”奋斗目标阔步前进。中尼两国人民梦想相通,命运相连。时代要求两国加强合作,共创美好未来。欢迎尼方出席第二届中国国际进口博览会,促进尼泊尔特色优势产品对华出口。中方将继续大力支持尼泊尔灾后重建,为尼泊尔民生改善提供力所能及的支持和帮助。双方要促进教育、青年、旅游等领域交流合作,支持两国航空企业开通更多直航,增加人员往来规模。中方支持尼方主办“2020尼泊尔旅游年”活动,鼓励更多中国公民赴尼泊尔旅游观光。中方将为尼泊尔优秀青年提供更多政府奖学金,培养更多尼方建设需要的人才。欢迎更多尼泊尔青年学生来华留学深造。尼泊尔人民常说,“滴水也能装满缸”,中国人也讲“众人拾柴火焰高”。我相信,只要两国继承和发扬友好传统,持之以恒扩大交流合作,就一定能把中尼跨越喜马拉雅的友谊推向新高度。
  • While the Nepali government and people are vigorously pursuing their vision of "Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali," the Chinese government and people are making big strides toward the "two centenary goals." With the aspirations and future of our people closely linked, it is only natural for China and Nepal to respond to the call of our times and step up cooperation for a better future. Working together, the two countries may do just the following:China welcomes Nepal's participation in the second China International Import Expo to promote exports of its specialty products to China. What's more, China will continue to support post-disaster reconstruction and do what it can to support and assist the betterment of people's lives in Nepal.It is important that we encourage more exchanges and cooperation in such areas as education, youth and tourism, and support our airlines in opening more direct flights to increase mutual visits. China supports Nepal in hosting "Visit Nepal Year 2020," and will encourage more Chinese tourists to visit Nepal. China will give more government scholarships to outstanding young Nepalis and help train more professionals needed in Nepal's development endeavor. China welcomes more Nepali students to China.The Nepalis often say, "Drop by drop is the water pot filled." There is also a Chinese saying: "The flame runs high when everyone adds wood to the fire." I am convinced that as long as our two countries carry forward our tradition of friendship and keep increasing our exchanges and cooperation, we will together take our friendship across the Himalayas to a new height.



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      【单选题】释迦摩尼是哪个国家的人() A. 尼泊尔 B. 古印度 C. 中国 D. 泰国

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      [color=#333333]*[/color]在2008年4月中旬举行的尼泊尔制宪会议选举上,一举成为第一大党的是(    ) 。 A: 尼泊尔共产党(联合马列) B: 尼泊尔共产党(毛主义) C: 尼泊尔大会党 D: 尼泊尔民族主义党

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