• 2022-06-07
    Benjamin Franklin, a famous American statesman, author, and scientist, _______ born in 1709 and lived to the age of eighty-four.
    A: was
    B: were
    C: he was
    D: he being
  • A


    • 0

      Which of the following are TRUE about Li Bai? ( ) A: He was born into a family with a srtong cultural atmosphere. B: His political ambitions were not fulfilled. C: He lived the poem and wine life. D: He had proud personality.

    • 1

      Born in Russia, he ______. A: became a famous musician B: he speaks fluent Russian C: he is now a teacher D: he likes painting

    • 2

      The portrait on the coin reminded Chris of Tomas Jefferson. Who was Tomas Jefferson? A: He was the English Founding Father. B: He was the fourth president of theUnited States. C: He was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. D: He was American famous poet and philosopher.

    • 3

      What happened to Winston Churchill in 1954? A: He was eighty years old. B: He became famous for his portrait. C: He gave the prime minister a present.

    • 4

      What happened to Winston Churchill in 1954 A: He was eighty years old. B: He became famous for his portrait. C: He gave the prime minister a present.