A: Go to Beijing.
B: Book a ticket.
C: Meet him tomorrow.
D: Buy a book.
A: Go to Beijing.
B: Book a ticket.
C: Meet him tomorrow.
D: Buy a book.
- 根据听力对话内容,选出听力提问的正确答案。 A: His report. B: His paper. C: His interview. D: His plan.
- The man wants to book a ticket to Beijing.
- Section A5 A: Make an appointment. B: Go sightseeing. C: Book a flight ticket to Beijing. D: Make a dinner reservation.
- 9. A) To buy a ticket. C) To place an order. B) To book a taxi. D) To make an appointment.
- LeeisgoingtoreserveanairtickettoParis.Butheisnotsureaboutthereturndate.Sowhatkind of ticket would you suggest him to book?