• 2022-06-07
    What are the components of the running gear system?
    A: frame
    B: axle
    C: wheel
    D: suspension.
  • A,B,C,D


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      .The landing gear is also known as ______. A: wheel B: tire C: undercarriage D: gear

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      What are the key parts of the suspension system?( ) A: shock absorbers B: rods C: springs

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      What are the main components of garden? A: Terrace B: Water system C: Plants D: Architecture

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      What are the components of a road transportation system? A: Human B: Roads C: Vehicles D: Infrastructure

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      Large marine diesel engines of crosshead construction generally have two systems of lubrication: a total loss system feeding the () and a recirculation system lubricating the running gear and cooling the piston.