• 2022-06-07
    arrive at a belief or opinion by reasoning
    A: resident
    B: conclude
  • B


    • 0

      The<br/>reasoning of production system in the following reasoning<br/>includes() A: Forward<br/>reasoning B: Converse<br/>reasoning C: Bidirectional<br/>reasoning D: Simple<br/>reasoning

    • 1

      On what day of the week will the magazine arrive A: Both speakers think half of the staff are efficient. B: The man has an unfavorable opinion of the staff, but the woman does not. C: Neither of them has a favorable opinion of the staff. D: Tile woman is a restaurant manager herself.

    • 2

      Which of the following are techniques of inductive reasoning? A: reasoning by definition B: making generalizations C: reasoning by analogy D: reasoning by cause and effect

    • 3


    • 4

      新闻机构欲在华派遣常驻记者,应首先在华设立常驻机构。新闻机构应以书 面形式,直接向外交部新闻司提出申请。 A: resident newsman B: resident correspondent C: resident reporter D: resident press