• 2022-06-07
    The coding strand has the same sequence as that of the RNA transcript.()
  • 错误


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      If this is the base sequence of a strand of DNA(A T G C C), what would be the base sequence of the complimentary DNA strand?? U A C G G|A T G C C|A U G C C|T A C G G

    • 1

      If the DNA strand shown below is used as a template for RNA polymerase, what would be the sequence of the resultant mRNA following transcription? 5'-CATTCCATAGCATGT-3' A: 5'-UGUACGAUACCUUAC-3' B: 5'-CAUUCCAUAGCAUGU-3' C: 5'-GUAAGGUAUCGUACA-3' D: 5'-ACAUGCUAUGGAAUG-3'

    • 2

      RNA polymerase is an enzyme that is responsible for copying a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence, during the process of transcription.()

    • 3

      IPC has a hardware coding compression mode, that is, the coding compression algorithm is solidified on the chip. ( )

    • 4

      What is the correct processing sequence for acquiring and processing audio signals? A: Quantization, sampling, coding, storage, decoding, D/A conversion B: Sampling, quantization, coding, storage, decoding, D/A conversion C: Quantization, sampling, coding, storage, decoding, A/D conversion D: Sampling, quantization, coding, storage, decoding, A/D conversion