• 2022-06-07
    Questions 5 to 9 are based on the following conversation. What can you infer from the dialogue
    A: Both Susan and Sally are good wives at home.
    B: Neither Susan nor Sally is interested in housework.
    C: Englishmen have a great variety of interests.
    D: Both Susan and Sally are proud of their husbands.
  • D


    • 0

      Which of the following is tree about Susan A: Susan was on a different way. B: Susan was on a different road. C: Susan dealt with it in a different way. D: Susan approached me in a different way.

    • 1

      1. Which subject do both Corin and Susan love best?

    • 2

      Sally is a nurse with great .

    • 3

      What are the means to acknowledge sources when you have borrowed ideas or words from others? A: In-text referencing. B: End-text referencing. C: Both A and D: Neither A nor

    • 4

      Rita: Susan, you could become a model. Susan: Don’t make me laugh! Question: What does Susan mean A: She is amused by Rita. B: She is interested in Rita’s suggestion. C: She is confused by Rita’s words. D: She is unlikely to become a model.