• 2022-05-27 问题

    Two __________ and five __________ are studying Chinese at Beijing University. A: German, English B: Germans, English C: Germans, Englishmen D: Germen, Englishmen

    Two __________ and five __________ are studying Chinese at Beijing University. A: German, English B: Germans, English C: Germans, Englishmen D: Germen, Englishmen

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    IfyouwanttolearnEnglishwell,listento______whentheyspeakEnglish. A: yourclassmates B: yourteachers C: Englishmen D: allthepeople

    IfyouwanttolearnEnglishwell,listento______whentheyspeakEnglish. A: yourclassmates B: yourteachers C: Englishmen D: allthepeople

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Mary met with______while she was climbing the Great Wall. A: four Englishmans and three Germans B: four Englishmen and three germans C: four English and three Germans D: four Englishmen and three germen

    Mary met with______while she was climbing the Great Wall. A: four Englishmans and three Germans B: four Englishmen and three germans C: four English and three Germans D: four Englishmen and three germen

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Who once observed that 'when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather'?

    Who once observed that 'when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather'?

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Which of the following statements is true? A: A Most Englishmen think that a husband should do more housework than a wife. B: B In London the traditional idea about the sex role at home has been completely changed. C: C Many Englishmen and Englishwomen still take it for granted that women are mainly in charge of home and family. D: D English people believe that men should take more responsibilities for housework.

    Which of the following statements is true? A: A Most Englishmen think that a husband should do more housework than a wife. B: B In London the traditional idea about the sex role at home has been completely changed. C: C Many Englishmen and Englishwomen still take it for granted that women are mainly in charge of home and family. D: D English people believe that men should take more responsibilities for housework.

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    Englishmen are careful, which___ A: has something to do with the weather B: has nothing to do with theweather C: is because England is an island country D: is because they know when it will rain

    Englishmen are careful, which___ A: has something to do with the weather B: has nothing to do with theweather C: is because England is an island country D: is because they know when it will rain

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    Which of the following is false Some Englishmen prefer hiring professional decorators, because ______. A: they are wealthy B: the craftsman's job is quite complicated C: the tools are expensive D: "do-it-yourself brings a lot of troubles

    Which of the following is false Some Englishmen prefer hiring professional decorators, because ______. A: they are wealthy B: the craftsman's job is quite complicated C: the tools are expensive D: "do-it-yourself brings a lot of troubles

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    What is the conclusion of the talk A: British English and American English are the same. B: They are so different that Americans can’ t understand Englishmen when they are talking. C: They have different spelling and vocabulary but the same pronunciation. D: They have slight different spelling vocabulary and pronunciation, but the people can understand each other.

    What is the conclusion of the talk A: British English and American English are the same. B: They are so different that Americans can’ t understand Englishmen when they are talking. C: They have different spelling and vocabulary but the same pronunciation. D: They have slight different spelling vocabulary and pronunciation, but the people can understand each other.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Questions 5 to 9 are based on the following conversation. What can you infer from the dialogue A: Both Susan and Sally are good wives at home. B: Neither Susan nor Sally is interested in housework. C: Englishmen have a great variety of interests. D: Both Susan and Sally are proud of their husbands.

    Questions 5 to 9 are based on the following conversation. What can you infer from the dialogue A: Both Susan and Sally are good wives at home. B: Neither Susan nor Sally is interested in housework. C: Englishmen have a great variety of interests. D: Both Susan and Sally are proud of their husbands.

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