• 2022-06-07
    In rotifers, two different kinds of eggs are produced. These are ( ) and ( ) eggs.
    A: fertile infertile
    B: mictic amictic
    C: nucleated unucleated
    D: large small
    E: shelled unshelled
  • B


    • 0

      The waiter brought them ______ one day. A: two eggs B: two oranges C: two apples

    • 1

      “Bring me two eggs and a cup of tea, please.” ________.

    • 2

      I have two eggs and some milk ____ breakfast.

    • 3

      I have two eggs and some milk ______ breakfast. A: for B: on C: with D: in

    • 4

      What are the father’s personal experiences associated with eggs in Sherwood Anderson’s “The Eggs”? A: nurturing eggs in the farm B: serving eggs in the restaurant C: entertaining the guests with eggs at the restaurant D: destroying the eggs then he failed in the Columbus trickery