• 2022-06-07
    Which of the following is not an essential factor of a block?()
    A: Previous block header hash
    B: Time stamp
    C: Index value
    D: Cryptographic hash
  • C



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      Which of the following commands can generate the block drawing file ( ) A: Save B: Explode C: Block D: Wblock

    • 1

      Which of the following items is not a major stumbling block in intercultural communication?

    • 2

      比特币系统中,对全节点和轻节点的认识,正确的是? A: 全节点保存着区块链中区块的完整内容(block header 和 block body) B: 轻节点只保存着区块链中区块的块头信息(block header) C: 轻节点保存着区块链中区块的完整内容(block header 和 block body) D: 全节点只保存着区块链中区块的块头信息(block header)

    • 3

      Which of the following is true about the organizational patterns of a contrast essay ? A: In block organization, you can write about similarities and differences by subtopic. B: The block pattern is a good approach for long essays. C: For shorter essays, point-by-point organization may be more appropriate. D: The point-by-point pattern is essential if your material is complicated.

    • 4

      Which one of the following expressions means "格子的"? A: grid B: meshwork C: checked D: block