The YUV color space is composed of a luminance signal Y and two color difference signals and chrominance signals U and V. The separation of Y, U and V is to realize the color signal received by black and white TV. ( )
A: 正确
B: 错误
A: 正确
B: 错误
- The YUV color space is composed of a luminance signal Y and two color difference signals and chrominance signals U and V. The separation of Y, U and V is to realize the color signal received by black and white TV. ( ) A: 正确 B: 错误
- The color display will use both chrominance and luminance information. A black and white display uses(74). A: neither of the two components B: the chrominance component C: the luminance component D: both of the twocomponents
- [color=#000000]在生产者消费者问题中,如果缺少了[/color][color=#000000]signal(full)[/color][color=#000000]或[/color][color=#000000]signal(empty),[/color][color=#000000]对执行结果有何[/color][color=#000000]影响?[/color]
- 在YUV亮度色差模型中,表示色差信号的是()。 A: Y B: U C: V D: Y、U、V都是
- I prefer a color TV, I have to buy a black and white one this time.