• 2022-06-07
    The talk is mainly about ______.
    A: the travel booking service
    B: the movie information
    C: the popularity of mobile phones
    D: the use of fixed telephones
  • D


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      中国大学MOOC: Its polite for the interviewees to use the mobile phones during the interview.

    • 1

      The use of mobile phones is not allowed during flight, even if placed in “_________” in most domestic airlines.

    • 2

      The present foldable mobile phones usually use as their screen material. A: OLED B: LCD C: glass D: silicon

    • 3

      Can a school _________ a policy prohibiting the use of mobile phones on campus? A: make B: pass C: adapt D: adopt

    • 4

      In the information age, Chinese people use information tools for travel to check ______.