• 2021-04-14
    Mobile phones have become a (1)______________ for middle schools. Some middle schools in (2) ______________ ask students not to carry mobile phones during school hours. There are several reasons. First, mobile phones are (3)______________ . Second, using mobile phones is a distraction to the students. Third, mobile phone use also gives teachers so much trouble, because some students might use phone messages (4)______________ . So, some teachers say students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could (5)______________ their phones at the school office.
  • problem  Australia  easy to lose  to cheat during exams  leave


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      Can a school _________ a policy prohibiting the use of mobile phones on campus? A: make B: pass C: adapt D: adopt

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      中国大学MOOC: Its polite for the interviewees to use the mobile phones during the interview.

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      The use of mobile phones is not allowed during flight, even if placed in “_________” in most domestic airlines.

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      Smartphones are mobile phones with an advanced mobile operating system. Which one is not a smartphone? _____

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      China Southern Airlines is the first airline in China to allow the use of mobile phones and other portable devices.