Which of the following is NOT a reason for going off-grid given by Nick Rosen?
- Which is the only way for flying navigation in the area off the grid?
- Which of the following is NOT the reason for a claim?
- In the following statement, the statement which generates the button control is ( ). A: h_1=uimenu(gcf,'Label','&Blue'); B: h_1=uicontrol(gcf,'style','push', 'string','grid off','callback','grid off'); C: h_1=uicontrol(gcf,'style','text', 'horizontal','left','string',{'Input'}); D: h_1=axes('unit','normalized','position',[0,0,1,1],'visible','off');
- In the following statement, the statement which generates the button control is ( ). A: h_1=uimenu(gcf,'Label','&Blue'); B: h_1=uicontrol(gcf,'style','push', 'string','grid off','callback','grid off'); C: h_1=uicontrol(gcf,'style','text', 'horizontal','left','string',{'Input'}); D: h_1=axes('unit','normalized','position',[0,0,1,1],'visible','off');
- .Which of the following is not a reason that negotiations fail?