In the following statement, the statement which generates the button control is ( ).
A: h_1=uimenu(gcf,'Label','&Blue');
B: h_1=uicontrol(gcf,'style','push', 'string','grid off','callback','grid off');
C: h_1=uicontrol(gcf,'style','text', 'horizontal','left','string',{'Input'});
D: h_1=axes('unit','normalized','position',[0,0,1,1],'visible','off');
A: h_1=uimenu(gcf,'Label','&Blue');
B: h_1=uicontrol(gcf,'style','push', 'string','grid off','callback','grid off');
C: h_1=uicontrol(gcf,'style','text', 'horizontal','left','string',{'Input'});
D: h_1=axes('unit','normalized','position',[0,0,1,1],'visible','off');
- In the following statement, the statement which generates the button control is ( ). A: h_1=uimenu(gcf,'Label','&Blue'); B: h_1=uicontrol(gcf,'style','push', 'string','grid off','callback','grid off'); C: h_1=uicontrol(gcf,'style','text', 'horizontal','left','string',{'Input'}); D: h_1=axes('unit','normalized','position',[0,0,1,1],'visible','off');
- (4). 要检验一个班级,在进行翻转教学后”概率统计“课程平均成绩是否有所提高,恰当的假设是( )。 A: \( H_0 :\mu =\mu _0 ,\quad H_1 :\mu =\mu _1 \) B: \( H_0 :\mu =\mu _0 ,\quad H_1 :\mu \ne \mu _0 \) C: \( H_0 :\mu =\mu _0 ,\quad H_1 :\mu >\mu _0 \) D: \( H_0 :\mu =\mu _0 ,\quad H_1 :\mu
- 显著性检验方法中的t检验方法,其原假设和备择假设分别是()。 A: H<sub>0</sub>:β≠0;H<sub>1</sub>:β=0 B: H<sub>0</sub>:β=0;H<sub>1</sub>:β≠0 C: H<sub>0</sub>:β=1;H<sub>1</sub>:β≠1 D: H<sub>0</sub>:β≠1;H<sub>1</sub>:β=1
- 如果要对相关系数进行检验,其检验的原假设和备择假设应为()。 A: H<sub>0</sub>:ρ=0⇔H<sub>1</sub>:ρ≠0 B: H<sub>0</sub>:ρ≤0⇔H<sub>1</sub>:ρ>0 C: H<sub>0</sub>:ρ=1⇔H<sub>1</sub>:ρ≠1 D: H<sub>0</sub>:ρ≥0⇔H<sub>1</sub>:ρ<0
- (1). 卡方拟合检验的原假设和备择假设为( )。 A: \( H_0 :\mu =\mu _0 ,\quad H_1 :\mu \ne \mu _0 \)(\( \mu \) 是总体均值) B: \( H_0 :\sigma ^2=\sigma _0^2 ,\quad H_1 :\sigma ^2\ne \sigma _0^2<br/>\)(\( \sigma^2 \) 是总体方差) C: \( H_0 :X\sim \left( {{\begin{array}{*{20}c}<br/>{a_1 } & {a_2 } & \cdots & {a_m } \\<br/>{p_1 } & {p_2 } & \cdots & {p_m } \\<br/>\end{array} }} \right),\quad H_1 :X\mbox{ 不服从 }\left( {{\begin{array}{*{20}c}<br/>{a_1 } & {a_2 } & \cdots & {a_m } \\<br/>{p_1 } & {p_2 } & \cdots & {p_m } \\<br/>\end{array} }} \right) \) D: \( H_0 :F(x)\le F_0 (x),\quad H_1 :F(x)>F_0 (x) \)