• 2022-06-07
    [音频]Mary:Ireally _____1_______ facingsomanypeople.Ben: ______2______.Youarethehostessoftonight’sEnglishparty.Mary:Yes.ButI’mafraidIwould_____3_____ofit.Ben:Mary,youshould_____4_______ yourself.Mary:Youknow,I’veneverhostedsuchabigpartyinEnglish.Andthestudentswilldefinitelyhavehighexpectations.Ben:Please_____5_________,Mary.YouhavehostedmanyChinesepartiesbefore,right?AndyoucanspeakEnglishquitewell!Mary:Iknowthat,Ben,butIstillfeelnervous.Ben:I’msureyouwilldoitwell.Comeon!Mary:Well,anyway,________6________________.
  • feelnervous about# Takeiteasy# makeamess# havemoreconfidencein# lightenupandbemoreconfident# it’sgoodtohaveyoursupportandencouragement


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      I think Mary sings ______ (well) of all.

    • 1

      I don’t know why ___________. A: my sister Mary was laughing B: did my sister Mary laugh C: my sister Mary laughing D: was my sister Mary laughing

    • 2

      Who is telephoning Mary A: [A] Mary’s friend. B: Mary’s classmate. C: Mary’s teacher.

    • 3

      Jack is a student and studies at No. 1 Middle School. _____________. A: So Mary is B: So is Mary C: So does Mary D: So it is with Mary

    • 4

      The girl talking to Mary is a friend of ______. A: Mary's sister B: Mary sister's C: Mary's sister's D: sister of Mary's