• 2022-06-08
    A: dipped
    B: soaked
    C: immersed
    D: submerged
  • B


    • 0

      以下程序的运行结果是() Subs1(b()AsInteger) Fori=1To4 b(i)=2*i Nexti EndSub PrivateSubCommand1_Click() Dima(1To4)AsInteger Fori=1To4 a(i)=i+5 Nexti s1a() Fori=1To4 Printa(i) Nexti EndSu A: 12141618 B: 6789 C: 2468 D: 1234

    • 1

      With a grate sigh, I immersed myself in my homemade spa.

    • 2

      执行下面的程序,消息框的输出结果是______。 option Base 1 PrivateSubCommandl_Click() Dima(10),P(3)As Integer K=5 Fori=1 To 10 a(i)=i Nexti Fori=1 To 3 p(i)=a(i*i) NextI Fori=1 To 3 k=k+p(i)*2 Ncxti MsgBoxk End sub

    • 3

      I sucked my finger, but the finger I put into my mouth was not the one I had dipped into the cup. A: compound sentence B: simple sentence C: complex sentence D: compound - complex sentence

    • 4
