A: 捏造
B: 组织
C: 发表
D: 公式
A: 捏造
B: 组织
C: 发表
D: 公式
- 不属于Fabric联盟链开发人员的是? A: 系统管理人员 B: 组织管理人员 C: 业务开发人员 D: 系统测试人员
- A soft furnishings company has 1,800m of fabric in inventory. 900m of fabric has been allocated for use in furniture that will be produced over the next month. 500m of fabric has been ordered, however this has not yet been received in stores.What is the free inventory of fabric? A: 400m B: 1,400m C: 2,300m D: 1,800m
- 下列中不属于违反学术道德的行为有() A: 重复发表 B: 陈述失实 C: 捏造和窜改数据 D: 潜心研究
- 以下属于学术道德性规范的是 A: 不抄袭剽窃 B: 不捏造数据 C: 不侵犯知识产权 D: 不合作发表论文
- There is always a _____ in the character of a tragic hero. A: flaw B: fabric C: mess D: presence
- 0
以下哪个不属于学术不端的范畴。() A: 捏造数据或结果 B: 剽窃他人已发表或未发表的作品 C: 借学术批评的名义进行人身攻击和诽谤 D: 合理引用文献
- 1
Silk fabric was invented in Ancient Indian.
- 2
Another 75,000 jobs will be lost in __________ and clothing. A: textile B: material C: fabric D: cloth
- 3
Another 75,000 jobs will be lost in __________ and clothing. A: textile B)material C)fabric D)cloth
- 4
Fabric节点主要分为哪几种?() A: endorser B: order C: comitter D: rollbacker