“中国大陆”考虑到政治正确,应该翻译为A. China’s MainlandB. Mainland China
- 从政治上讲,“中国大陆”既可以翻译为Mainland China,也可以翻译为Chinese Mainland。
- "中国大陆" 的正确译文是: A: mainland China B: the Chinese mainland
- 【单选题】执行以下程序段后 printf("%s,%8s,%8.3s","china","china","china"); 输出结果为() ( 说明:□代表一个空格) A. china, □□□china, □□□□□chi B. china, □□□china, □□□china C. china, china, china D. china,china □□□, chi□□□□□
- The Simplified Chinese, developed by the People's Republic of China in 1954 to promote mass literacy, is a standardized characterset used in mainland China.
- 中国航天业开创于1956年。译为“China's space industry created in 1956.”