• 2022-06-09
    of thefollowingstructures
    is a part of the fibrous tunica of the eyeball? ()
    A: the iris
    B: the ciliary body
    C: the choroid
    D: the retina
    E: the cornea
  • E


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      下列何结构具有折光作用()。 A: cornea B: iris C: aqueoushumor D: lens E: ciliarybody

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      We<br/>should represent the introduction, various main points in the body<br/>part, and conclusion for an outline with ____? A: big<br/>letters B: Arabic<br/>numerals C: Roman<br/>numerals D: small letters

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      Whichone<br/>is<br/>the essential amino acid?() A: glycine B: methionine C: tyrosine D: Glutamine

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      Whichone<br/>of the following bones<br/>does belong to the long bone?() A: hip bone B: costal bone C: phalanges D: parietal bone E: scapula

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      be<br/>linked to ____? A: n.<br/>a sudden change in the blood supply to a part of the brain,<br/>sometimes causing a loss of the ability to move particular parts of<br/>the body 中风 B: n.<br/>a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the<br/>blood 糖尿病 C: to<br/>help to cause an event or situation有助于,促成 D: to<br/>make a connection between two or more people, things, or ideas 和…<br/>有联系