• 2022-06-09
    What can not produce Doppler effect in human body ( )
    A: Fetal heart
    B: Heart valve
    C: Stationary liver tissue
    D: Blood flow
  • C


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      What<br/>is heart failure? () A: condition in which the heart stops beating B: condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the<br/>body's needs C: heart<br/>attack D: condition in which the patient experiences chest pain E: none<br/>of above

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      This makes it possible for the human body to accept the heart of a pig in a transplantoperation.

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      ( ) acts as a pump to maintain a constant circulation to blood throughout the body. A: heart B: kidneys C: lungs D: liver

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      Valve in the heart enables it to function by opening and closing, preventing blood from passing through. A: 正确 B: 错误

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      How is the embolism of a thrombotic stroke formed? ① Blood flow slows down. ② A sudden change in heart rhythm prevents the upper chambers of the heart from contracting normally. ③ Platelets, clotting factors, and fibrin stick together. ④ The clot can be carried up towards the arteries and blood vessels supplying the brain until it can’t squeeze through. A: ②④③① B: ②①③④ C: ②①④③ D: ①②④③