How to access the cardiac function by using ultrasound:( ) A: M<br/>mode B: B<br/>mode C: Spectral<br/>Doppler pattern D: Tissue<br/>Doppler imaging E: All of the above
How to access the cardiac function by using ultrasound:( ) A: M<br/>mode B: B<br/>mode C: Spectral<br/>Doppler pattern D: Tissue<br/>Doppler imaging E: All of the above
彩色多普勒显像的血流信号的特点是The characteri...ped Doppler image is
彩色多普勒显像的血流信号的特点是The characteri...ped Doppler image is
Doppler speed log may work in two mode ,one is seabed tracking ,another is______ .
Doppler speed log may work in two mode ,one is seabed tracking ,another is______ .
Doppler ultrasound can be used to display A: Fetal heart beat B: Rear artifacts C: Blood flow
Doppler ultrasound can be used to display A: Fetal heart beat B: Rear artifacts C: Blood flow
The most commom form in ultrasound clinic applications is ( ) A: A-mode B: B-mode C: Color Doppler D: M-mode
The most commom form in ultrasound clinic applications is ( ) A: A-mode B: B-mode C: Color Doppler D: M-mode
在彩超图像上,蓝色代表什么What does blue stands for in color mapped Doppler image?
在彩超图像上,蓝色代表什么What does blue stands for in color mapped Doppler image?
SAR利用脉冲压缩技术和Doppler效应,能达到米级的空间分辨率。 A: 正确 B: 错误
SAR利用脉冲压缩技术和Doppler效应,能达到米级的空间分辨率。 A: 正确 B: 错误
中国大学MOOC: 在彩超图像上,蓝色代表什么What does blue stands for in color mapped Doppler image?
中国大学MOOC: 在彩超图像上,蓝色代表什么What does blue stands for in color mapped Doppler image?
What can not produce Doppler effect in human body ( ) A: Fetal heart B: Heart valve C: Stationary liver tissue D: Blood flow
What can not produce Doppler effect in human body ( ) A: Fetal heart B: Heart valve C: Stationary liver tissue D: Blood flow