• 2022-06-06
    Which are ESP courses?
    A: English for science and technology
    B: New horizon college English
    C: reading strategy for CET 6
    D: English for forestry science
  • A,D


    • 0

      They teach the vocabulary of the English used in computer science, which is also listed ()in the glossary. A: in sum B: in total C: in general D: in full

    • 1

      选择题:1. The lexicology is a science of __________. A: words B: language C: English D: meaning

    • 2

      Every morning he gets up early and practises ______ and then _____ to school. A: to read English, go B: reading English, going C: reading English, goes D: of reading English, goes

    • 3

      Frequent use of borrowings from Greek or Latin is one of the outstanding lexical features of English for ______. A: science and technology B: B. advertising C: legal documents D: newspaper reporting

    • 4

      通过观看刚刚的教学视频,小A有疑问了,STEM是一下哪些学科的简称呢? A: 科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、教育(Education)、数学(Mathematics) B: 科学(Science)、教学(Teaching)、工程(Engineering)、数学(Mathematics) C: 科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、工程(Engineering)、数学(Mathematics) D: 科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、英语(English)、数学(Mathematics)