• 2022-06-06
    These goods are imported ______ Brazil.
    A: out
    B: with
    C: to
    D: from
  • B


    • 0

      Duty-free goods are imported and stocked in bonded warehouse.

    • 1

      Dan is from Brazil.

    • 2

      查询goods中所有记录。 A: select all from goods; B: select distinct from goods; C: select * from goods; D: select from goods;

    • 3

      Which of the following is least likely to be carried out using EFTPOS? A: Sale of goods to a customer B: Payment of wages C: Refund to a customer D: Purchase of goods from a supplier

    • 4

      We have plenty of the goods ( ) stock. You can place the order any time. A: from B: out C: in D: for