• 2022-06-06
    A: _______?B: He is from Brazil.
  • Where is he from?


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      Which group has made major contributions to the trend in US universities? A: Students from Iran. B: Students from Brazil. C: Students from Kuwait. D: Students from China.

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      Where does Mr. Anderson come from A: He is from Canada. B: He is from England. C: He is from America. D: He is from another country.

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      We can conclude that Isabel Burton ______. A: had been trying to get her husband a job in a place where she could go with him B: had been trying to get her husband a job in Brazil C: was always trying to plant fruit trees from Brazil D: was always trying to make great efforts in Brazil

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      From 2006 to 2020, the country that is expected to contribute the most to global economic growth is (). A: the United States B: Brazil C: China D: Japan

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      Where is Mr. Brown from? He is from