• 2022-06-07
    is not one of the Biological factors involved in Etiology of Mental Disorders. ( )
    A: Stress-related
    life event
    B: brain tumors
    C: encephalitis
    D: Inheritance
    by genes)
  • A


    • 0

      fluent<br/>() A: able<br/>to speak or write easily and naturally. B: a<br/>person, thing, or event that is real. C: the<br/>stress a speaker gives to one syllable in a word. D: to<br/>make someone feel shame.

    • 1

      Do<br/>you think that these higher-than-average temperature are attributable to global warming? A: responsible<br/>for B: related<br/>to C: caused<br/>by

    • 2

      In severe intravascular hemolysis, DIC can be caused by the release<br/>of large amount of ( ) A: Tissue factor B: ADP C: Factor Ⅰ D: t-PA E: Platelet factors

    • 3

      Which<br/>of the following is not a primary cause for Americans to own guns? A: For<br/>hunting B: For<br/>target practice C: To<br/>protect one’s life and property D: To<br/>attack terrorism

    • 4

      Which<br/>of the following factors is not included in Altherosclerosis risk<br/>factors? ( ) A: Increased<br/>HDL B: Increased<br/>TG C: Increased<br/>LDL D: Increased<br/>TC E: Increased<br/>VLDL