• 2022-06-06
    Which of the following is the incorrect description of duodenal ulcers?
    A: Duodenal bulb ulcer and gastric ulcer are similar in size, with a diameter of about 5-500px
    B: Most of the duodenal ulcers occur in the bulb
    C: Duodenal bulb ulcers are mostly in the posterior or anterior wall
    D: Axial image of duodenal bulb ulcer presents as a round or grain-like increased density
    E: Duodenal ulcers can cause irritation
  • A


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      There are the complications resulting from peptic ulcers except for( )() A: ulcer bleeding B: constipation C: ulcer perforation D: gastric obstruction

    • 1

      Which of the following is not a characteristic of duodenal ulcers: A: mid-upper abdominal pain or right-sided pain B: pain in 1/2 to 1 hour after eating , relieve before the next meal C: hunger or burning sensation D: midnight pain E: easy to bleed

    • 2

      The organ involved in forming the stomach bed is () A: Transverse colon and its mesentery B: Left kidney and right adrenal gland C: Right kidney and right adrenal gland D: Duodenal bulb E: Falling Duodenum

    • 3

      The opening of hepatopancreatic ampulla lies in () A: superior portion of duodenum B: pyloric antrum C: Calot's triangle D: major duodenal papilla E: minor duodenal papilla

    • 4

      Which of the following is the most important approach in healing peptic ulcers? A: Neutralizing secreted gastric acid B: Blocking receptor activation of gastric acid secretion C: Inhibiting secretion of gastric acid at the proton pump D: Eradicating infection with H.pylori E: Coating the ulcer crater