William James认为怎样才能赋予学科以人文价值?( )
- 【单选题】William James认为怎样才能赋予学科以人文价值?() A. 站在客观的角度 B. 站在主观的角度 C. 站在教学的角度 D. 站在历史的角度
- William James认为人文是( )。
- 【单选题】The brother of Henry James is ______________. A. William James, a noted philosopher and psychologist B. William James, a wealthy businessman C. Steven James, a noted psychologist D. Steven James, a famous literary writer
- 威廉·詹姆斯(William James)认为自我意识包括( ) A: 现实自我 B: 生理自我 C: 心理自我 D: 社会自我
- According to the Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy,philosopher William James was born in NewYork City in 1842.So,William James was born in NewYork City in 1842.it is a ( ). A: Inductive argument B: Deductive argument C: Argument from analogy