• 2022-06-06
    Brick is thermally efficient building material _____ it is also cheap.
    A: while
    B: and
    C: meanwhile
    D: but
  • B


    • 0

      During the producing process of mud brick, the material does not need to be as highly compacted as rammed earth.

    • 1

      Her clothes, though made of __________ material, are quite elegant. A: cheap B: inexpensive

    • 2

      Weaving is to loom as () A: brick is to building B: diving is to swim C: singing is to song D: cooking is to stove E: rolling is to ball

    • 3

      It surprised us ___ there was so little stone in the wall —-all the construction material was of mud brick() A: wihich B: who C: whom D: that

    • 4

      I live in a modern three-story building, but it’s ______ by the single-story homes of brick, wood, and tile that are ______ of hutong.