• 2022-06-06
    Car-rental companies expect more rentals this summer, despite ______.
    A: the poor economy
    B: increased air travel
    C: increased ownership of private cars
    D: higher gasoline prices
  • D


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      Increased air pollution __________ respiratory illness.

    • 1

      Survey shows that Americans are reluctant to change car ________ and switch to smaller cars despite recent increases in gasoline prices. A: human resources B: sales transaction C: comparison shopping D: buying preferences

    • 2

      Food prices increased ________ 10% in less than a year. A: for B: to C: by D: at

    • 3

      After a period of prosperity (1920-1929), government involvement in the economy increased ________.

    • 4

      Wage bills have increased because ______. A: staff demand higher rates of pay B: staff work overtime C: staff have to sell more goods