• 2022-06-06
    To be a good poet one needs, among other things, a very ______ imagination.
    A: vivid
    B: living
    C: wide
    D: colorful
  • A


    • 0

      A poet must have a _______ imagination.

    • 1

      Bob Dylan is very(A) popular among(B) young people. They regard him as(C) more superior to(D) other musicians. A: very B: among C: as D: more superior to

    • 2

      Without water ______ living things could survive. A: no B: anything but C: no one D: nothing but

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: He is a poet with ________ imagination.

    • 4

      He is a poet with ________ imagination. A: luxurious B: luxuriant C: luscious D: luxury