• 2022-06-11
    What is good hustle about? [br][/br] Answer: Good hustle is about (空1). So one needs to incorporate other things in one's life that allow one to take a rest. Also, good hustle is about (空2) .
  • alance#celebration


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      What's the author's general idea about a good boss?A good boss knows ______________.

    • 1

      59() A: Do you need B: What do you think of C: a little expensive D: Is it expensive E: That’s good F: How much is it G: Do you take H: How about this one

    • 2

      • He is too frightened to 1) . • His grammar is not very good so he's worried about 2)

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      She soon got used to the __________ of city life. A: bustle and bustle B: hustle and hustle C: hustle and bustle D: bustle and hustle

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      ‍She soon got used to the __________ of city life.​‍​ A: bustle and bustle B: hustle and hustle C: hustle and bustle D: bustle and hustle