关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 公告:维护QQ群:833371870,欢迎加入!公告:维护QQ群:833371870,欢迎加入!公告:维护QQ群:833371870,欢迎加入! 2022-06-06 Therefore, 【it’s in autumn that】 people tend to think of a way in which they 【celebrate the harvest】.请将括号部分翻译成中文 A: 就是在中秋时节;庆祝收获 B: 就是在秋收时节;庆祝丰收 C: 就是在秋季;庆祝大丰收 Therefore, 【it’s in autumn that】 people tend to think of a way in which they 【celebrate the harvest】.请将括号部分翻译成中文A: 就是在中秋时节;庆祝收获B: 就是在秋收时节;庆祝丰收C: 就是在秋季;庆祝大丰收 答案: 查看 举一反三 ()是庆祝丰收的节日。 古人庆祝“腊八”是为了() A: 庆祝丰收 B: 祭祀祖先 C: 表达美好希望 D: 团圆 下列哪一个节日是庆祝丰收的节日?() 《郑风·萚兮》表现了人们在秋天庆祝丰收的欢乐情景。 Therefore, it's in December that we tend to think of a way in which we could _______ our _________ them.