• 2022-06-06
    Socrates did almost nothing but 1) ___________ the market place, stopping people and asking them seemingly 2) ___________ questions that are actually 3) ________.Socrates asked Euthydemus 4)________________________. Euthydemus 5)_______________“Of course, it does.” Then Socrates asked, 6)________________.So, 7) _________.Socrates used a 8) ___________________________.
  • shuffling around# straightforward# toughrazorsharp# whether being deceitful counted as being immoral# replied# “If your friend is feelingvery low and might kill himself,and you steal his knife, is it deceitful but not immoral?”# Euthydemus realized that being deceitful is not always immoral# clever counter-example to help Euthydemus realize that


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      "All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal." This is a deductive argument.

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      4. Why does Ryan admire Socrates?Ryanadm...___________________.

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