• 2022-06-06
    After several discussions between the members of the committee, a new plan of action began to take shape.
  • 经过委员们数次讨论,新的行动方案初见端倪


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      Having been served lunch, __________. A: the problem was discussed by the members of the committee B: the committee members discussed the problem C: it was discussed by the committee members the problem D: a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee

    • 1

      The plan is beginning to in my mind. A: take shape B: disappear C: followed D: be added

    • 2

      In 1912, women's events were added and the modern Olympic programme began to _____. A: consume B: take shape

    • 3

      The new law will ______from January next year. A: take place B: take action C: take effect D: take part

    • 4

      The only way to have the new law stopped is to lay siege to all members of the committee and persuade them to vote against it.