• 2022-06-08
    What enforcement of standards can mostly impact on diversity?
    A: Increase sensitivity of managers and employees about diversity
    B: Ensure that discrimination and harassment will be quickly extinguished
    C: Make the people within the company think the same
    D: Make the people within the company act the same
  • B


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      To think about it, lots of people have made the same mistake: to confuse love ____marriage.

    • 1

      What do you think () these young people so excited A: making B: to make C: makes D: make

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      According to the speaker, what is the guiding principle about giving information within an organization A: never make promises about future developments B: give people an overall view at the earliest possible stage C: always include plenty of hard information

    • 3

      The sharing of information between people within an enterprise that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organization.Question: What does the sentence above explain? A: Business communication B: Bargain C: Company D: Joint Venture

    • 4

      It seems that what people believe and what researchers has found out about the ______ between age and memory are quite different. A: difference B: correlation C: cooperation D: diversity