• 2021-04-14
    . As speakers, we should ease the burden on our audience: never speak fast; speak steadily and clearly, and leave time for our audience to think and( )
  • catch up


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      In order to make your presentation more interesting, you should ______. A: speak loudly and clearly B: ask the audience questions C: sound enthusiastic

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      At some point in your life, your may be asked to speak with a very short notice. Speak fast while taking time to organize ideas. Begin with an introduction that put yourself and your audience at ease.

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      We can point at our audience to catch their attention.

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      At some point in your life, your may be asked to speak with a very short notice. Speak fast while taking time to organize ideas. Begin with an introduction that put yourself and your audience at ease. A: 正确 B: 错误

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      We want to improve our spoken English, we can't write at any time, we can only speak casually.