• 2022-06-08
    Hyperresonance is normally caused over ( )
    A: pneumonia
    B: pneumothorax
    C: emphysema
    D: pleural effusion
  • C


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      What disease is caused by pneumococcus multiplying in the alveoli, causing damage to the alveolar lining and producing an inflammatory response ? A: endocarditis B: sinusitis C: otitis D: pneumonia

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      What caused the death of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s first wife Ellen Louisa Tucker? A: Typhoid B: Small Pox C: Pneumonia D: Tuberculosis

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      A 16-year-old boy had a sudden chest pain with dyspnea after the collision with a player at a basketball game. Which is the most likely diagnosis for this patient? A: Acute myocardial infarction B: Lobar pneumonia C: Pulmonary infarction D: Bronchial asthma E: Pneumothorax

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      What is the most common pneumonia in children? ( ) A: Lobar pneumonia B: Interstitial pneumonia C: Mild pneumonia D: Bronchopneumonia

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      Running in the rain, ______. A: I fell over a stone B: a stone blocked me C: a stone caused me to fall D: I was fallen over a stone