• 2022-06-07
    Please check in an hour before the_________________________(起飞时间).
  • departure time


    • 0

      Please tick the right standard of the "Three Checks". A: Check before medication preparation for the clients B: Check after finishing medication preparation C: Check before administering medication to the client D: Check immediately after medication administration to the client E: Check 15 minutes after medication administration to the client

    • 1

      Please check ______ (careful) your answer before you hand it in. 用所给词的正确形式填空

    • 2


    • 3

      航空公司按照______公布航班的起飞时间、降落时间。 A: 格林尼治时间 B: 起飞当地时间 C: 降落当地时间 D: 相应当地时间

    • 4

      Please check these names and numbers.