• 2022-06-07
    "I plan to do a workout."中"workout"意思是( )。
    A: 解决
    B: 锻炼
    C: 在外工作
    D: 算出
  • B


    • 0

      Janet: Wow, this gym is great! What a fantastic workout! Susan: Yes,()I like coming here very much. What other sports can you do Janet: Well,, I can do a little karate and I go windsurfing in the summer.

    • 1

      Thestudentswasjustaboutto______thequestion,whensuddenlyhefoundtheanswer. A: arriveat B: submitto C: workout D: giveup

    • 2

      Evenifyoufailthefirsttime,youshould______trying. A: holdon B: goon C: workout D: carryout

    • 3


    • 4

      Fruit and vegetables are a good source of A: routine B: workout C: vitamins D: cardio