• 2022-06-07
    What he did was __________ of acceptable behavior.
    A: out of range
    B: within the bounds
    C: beyond the scope
    D: out of bounds
  • B


    • 0

      –I’m sorry that I didn’t work out this problem. –It’s (__) our ability. I didn’t figure it out, either. A: over B: above C: within D: beyond

    • 1

      Ten years ago he had no money, so it was _________for him to buy a computer. A: beyond question B: without question C: out of question D: out of the question

    • 2

      He ran all the way home and arrived () breath. A: without B: lack of C: beyond D: out of

    • 3

      What did the poll find out about wilfing( )

    • 4

      What did the librarian _____ (forbid; take) out of the library?