For example, the amount of output Q may be derived as a function of various input factors x1,2,..,x, by means of mathematicalstatistical methods.
- A production function relates the amount or volume of output to the various inputs of labor, material and equipment.( )
- 在指定的解释下,下列公式为真的是() A: ("x)(P(x)∨Q(x)),P(x):x=1,Q(x):x=2,论域:{1,2} B: ($x)(P(x)∧Q(x)),P(x):x=1,Q(x):x=2,论域: {1,2} C: ($x)(P(x) →Q(x)),P(x):x>2,Q(x):x=0,论域:{3,4} D: ("x)(P(x)→Q(x)),P(x):x>2,Q(x):x=0,论域:{3,4}
- 中国大学MOOC: 已知example是已定义的类,则程序结束前,共存在( )个对象。void main(){example x(5); example arr[2]={1,2};x=10;x.print();x=example(15);x.print();}
- 设个体域{1,2},谓词P(1)=1,P(2)=0,Q(1)=0,Q(2)=1,则∀x(P(x) ∨Q(x))的真值是1。
- 总体X服从 N(1,2),现有样本X1,X2. 则 E((X1+X2)/2)=?D((X1+X2)/2)=?