中国大学MOOC: This hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests The temperature here reaches up to40 in summerThe taxi driver said that he could take up ______ four people in his car.
- The temperature here reaches __ 38 degrees in summer. A: up B: at C: in D: up to
- Oscar said he would ______ this afternoon. So I will come in his car. A: pack me up B: pick me up C: pick me out
- 中国大学MOOC: My friend knows where he can pick up a good used car at a (reason ) price.
- 中国大学MOOC: He was ______ in his decision to give up smoking.
- The driver began to speed up to for the hour had lost in the traffic jam.() A: keep up B: take up C: catch up D: make up