• 2022-06-07
    What is the author’s attitude toward start-ups?
    A: Neutral
    B: Positive
    C: Negative
    D: Indifferent
  • B


    • 0

      From the passage, we can learn that the author's attitude to life is ______. A: positive B: negative C: self-pity D: indifferent

    • 1

      What is the author's attitude toward humanities? A: supportive and advocative B: critical C: indifferent D: over-reactive

    • 2

      What are the author's attitudes towards cross-cultural communication? A: Negative B: Positive C: Neutral D: Biased

    • 3

      What's the author's attitude towards praise? A: negative B: positive C: no idea D: critical

    • 4

      The author has a(n) _______ attitude toward students taking part-time jobs. A: negative B: indifferent C: supportive D: critical