青书学堂: He struck the girl in the face and she fell to the ground ___.
- As the girl was so ___, she soon fell ____.
- The child fell, so that he struck his head against the door and cut it. The child fell, _______________________.
- Once he had finally decided to help the girl he seemed to have changed into another man. He ran behind the bushes and ______ the attacker off the woman. While struggling, they fell to the ground, where they ________ for a few minutes until the attacker __________________.
- 青书学堂: (单选题) -- _______ is your girl friend like? -- She is very kind and good-looking.(本题3.0分)
- The girl rushed in with horror on her face as if she had come across a ghost.
- 0
He sensed the shyness of the girl, and _____ his eyes off her face immediately.
- 1
What kind of girl did John Blanchard look for at the Grand Central Station? A: A girl he has known for a long time. B: A girl whose heart he already knew. C: A girl whose face he already saw. D: A girl with whom he communicated through the email in the past year.
- 2
The girl was struck by another vehicle.
- 3
He<br/>__________ the girl who fell out of the boat. () A: comfortable B: university C: saved D: adjusted
- 4
中国大学MOOC: Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea. Then she swam to the shore after she had spent in the water the whole nigh. During that time she covered a distance of eight miles.