• 2022-06-07
    A: ensure
    B: guarantee
    C: disturb
    D: invade
  • A,A,A,A,B,C,D


    • 0

      The performance bond can be divided into_______ A: Attached letter of guarantee B: Conditional guarantee C: Quality guarantee letter D: Unconditional guarantee E: Performance bond

    • 1

      I think it’s got a three-year ____ .The problem is that I can’t find the ____. A: guarantee, certificate B: certificate, guarantee C: guarantee, warranty D: warranty, guarante

    • 2

      The function of the Caption attribute of the form is (). A: Ensure the title of the form B: Ensure the name of the form C: Ensure the boundary type of the form D: Ensure the font of the form

    • 3

      70() A: destroy B: disturb C: mistake D: misuse

    • 4

      A.disturbB.puzzleC.thrillD.terrify A: disturb B: puzzle C: thrill D: terrify