• 2022-06-07
    To jump on the cart means to do similar things what others are doing or to follow the trend.
  • 内容

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      People around the world may enjoy doing similar things in their free<br/>time. ( )

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      Do you hold your horses or jump the gun ?"jump the gun"means (get a head start or move quickly).

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      What ___ he ___with our parents? A: do;doing B: does;doing C: is;doing D: is;do

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      What does phrase "give priority to sth" mean in the video? A: It means sth is more interesting than others B: It means sth is more important than other things C: It means sth has no value D: It means sth should come last

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      None of the young are happy because ______. A: they are good at doing things they are not fond of B: they would .like to do something they are not good at C: they think they are good at nothing and do not know what they can do D: all of the above